Published on08/31/2018 10:21 am

We are living in the world of digital services. Internet has become an important medium to connect people staying in different parts of the world. Even our shopping has become easy with the help of ecommerce websites. Today, every house has an internet connection. Some of you are using broadband services where as others have shifted to wifi internet services. People face some connectivity issues in their internet due to wrong choice of operator. This makes complication in several types of online operations. The internet leased line has proved to provide speedy internet service.

Advantages of internet leased line

  1. Reliability- if you compare the internet services of leased lines with the broadband, the prior will be more reliable. You can get the service level agreement ( sla) through that. You will get the performance guarantee with the leased line.
  2. Security- internet service should be secured so that any other third party may not invade in your system. The broadband internet services can
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Broadband Service Provider – Making India Digital