There are host of services available online and this is possible through internet access. The advent of mobile internet has changed the way business is done in India. There is a menu of services available on the internet and it includes education, healthcare, financial services, market statistics, government services, so on and so forth. With internet sky is the limit. Only if the internet access is in place, you will have access to e-governance, subsidies and more. Recently the Telecom Commission gave approval to virtual network operators. These facilitates have allowed operators to function without owning a spectrum. The spectrum usage charges are cut from 5% to 3% of the Adjusted Gross Revenues. Though, the one percent continues for Broadband Wireless Access Spectrum.
The irony is digital India is a far-fetched dream if the government does not take corrective measures. Even the Common Service Centers (CSCs) established in certain regions of the country does not seem to deliver the